The informations about our products has not been translated to english yet.
Here is an overview of the procucts with links to the coresponding danish pages

PPO Handling
We are selling pumps for filling stations and for filtering which the
experience shows works fine with PPO for many years, also in cold climate. To meassure the quantity we are selling diesel counters which we calibrate for PPO. To filter the PPO we are selling filters suitable for smaller installations. You can see the prices in DKK for the above mentione equipment.

PPO Analysis
we assist many smaller PPO producers in
assuring the PPO fuel quality according to DIN V 51 605, by sending samples to a laboratory, interpreting the results, and give advises about how to improve the fuel quality.

We are supplying PPO fuel, mainly to new danish PPO users, who needs to get started. From time to time we also export PPO for fuel or other technical purpose.

DIY kits & conversion
We are the Elsbett Service Partner in Denmark, selling and installing their kits, mainly in Denmark.

DIY workshop.
We are organising and conducting DIY conversion workshop, mainly in Denmark. You can see some examples here:


2nd Hand equipment
We have exported several 2nd hand windmill from Denmark, specially to Russia. From time to time we get something  interesting, which means used, cheap but still in good condition. Check the list of 2nd hand equipment.

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DAJOLKA, Dalmosevej 2, DK-9330 Dronninglund, Denmark. Contact person: Niels Ansø
ph.: +45 98854220, +45 4241 5139, email:
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