VW Touran 1,9TDI DPF, 105hk, 2005
Converted February 2010 at mileage 137.000km
Now it has passed 4½ år and 150.000km PPO.
Updated May 2014
VW Carevelle 2.5TDI DPF, 102hp, 1998
Converted February 2006 at mileage 172.000km
Now it has passed nearly 8½ years and 212.000km on PPO
Updated May 2014
VW Golf, 1.9 D, 1993
Converted September 1999.
Now it has passed more than 10 years and 220.000km consequently on 100% PPO
Updated December 2009
Citroën Xantia 1.9 TD, 1995
Converted July 2001.
sold October 2006
Now it has passed more than 8 years and 228.000km on PPO
Updated August 2009
All the 3 cars have been converted with a 1-tank system, enabling them to run on 100% PPO all over the year. It is still possible to run the cars on diesel or any mixture of diesel and PPO, but we prefer always to run them with 100% PPO wihout any additives. Therefore the Golf has only been fueled with PPO since 1999, and the Xantia and the Caravelle has been fueled with diesel very seldom (less than 5-10 times). Click here to see the average temperatures in our region (Red:day, black: avg., gray:night. source: DMI.dk). Read more about the cars below.

In January 2010 we bought a VW Touran 1,9TDI, installed a Diesel Particulate Filter, and converted it with a 1-tank(DI-PD)  system. The Touran is replacing the Golf, which has done very well during more than 10 years. With the Touran we can demonstrate the latest technology within 1-tank systems for unit injection engines, and PPO operations with particulate filter.

VW Carevelle 2.5TDI DPF, 102hp, 1998

Converted with an ELSBETT TDI 1-tank system. The car has a 5kW comfort heater installed, supplied with diesel from a seperate tank. Pre heating the engine with the comfort heater 10-15 minuttes at winter time enables the engine to start promptly and burn efficient from the start. Alternatively to the pre heating by the comfort heater, 10-15% diesel could be mixed with the PPO in the winter season. In the spring, summer and autumn it´s not necesary to pre heat the engine with the comfort heater, or to mix PPO with diesel.

See also Power curve on PPO

Maintenance and service:

  • changing lube oil and filter each 7.500km (½ interval due to direct injection engine and 1-tank system)
  • Adding O-ring at the return valve on the fuel filter because of problems with air in the fuel.
  • EGR valve cleaned in July 2006. Symptoms was reduced power and permanent smoking even at medium load.
    (EGR: Exhaust Gas Recirculation, leads exhaust gas back to the air intake during medium load. The valve often fails on older engines by hanging in open position, which leads to building up of more deposits on the EGR valve, in the air intake, on the piston and piston rings, inlet and outlet valves etc. )
  • Diesel Particle Filter installed january 2010.

Fuel consumption:

  • 12km/l by "fresh" driving.

Situation of fuel filter and heat exchanger(example)

Situation of diesel tank for comfort heater

Citroën Xantia 1.9 TD, 1995
(sold february 2006)

Converted with an ELSBETT IDI 1-tank system. The engine has remarkable more torque on PPO than on diesel, and therefor the fuel consumption might be a little higher on PPO than on diesel.

See also:

Maintenance and service:

  • changing lube oil and filter each 10.000km, using semi synthetic lube oil 10W40.
  • Changing fuel filter each 25.000-35.000km
  • else just normal maintanence.
  • after 150.000km on PPO(totally 400.000km), 1 glow plug was broken(all 4 was changed), and the sealing at the drive shaft of the injection pumps was changed because of air in the fuel.

Fuel consumption:

  • 15 km/l at average speed
  • 17 km/l at long trip  at ~ 110km/h
  • 12 km/l at long trip at ~ 140 km/t

VW Golf, 1.9 D, 1993

Converted with an ELSBETT IDI 1-tank system, and has not filled a single drop of diesel since 1999.

There was not notised any diffenrence in power and consumption between PPO and diesel.

For the long trips some extra 85 liters of PPO can be brought in the car, enabling the car to run 2600-3000km on a full tank including the extra fuel. If the trip pass Germany, there are many possibilities to buy PPO on the way. See list of German PPO filling station and fuel suppliers.

See also:

Maintenance and service:

  • changing lube oil and filter each 10.000km, using semi synthetic lube oil 10W40.
  • Changing fuel filter each 25.000-35.000km
  • sealing at the actuator for speed regulation at the injection pump changed after 1 year on PPO.
  • else just normal maintanence.

Fuel consumption, examples:
- 3100 km long trip inlcuding mountain roads in the Alps. 6 days with cold start at -5°C to -9°C. Coldest driving temperature -13°C. Average consumption for this trip 17,3 km/l.
- Average consumption at winter: 17 km/l

- 980 km long trip at 120 km/h with full load: 18,2 km/l
- 1300 km long trip at 100-110 km/h with half load: 20,2 km/l

- 5340 km long trip at 100-130 km/h, incl. mountain roads and cities : 20,5 km/l
- average consumption at summer: 19,5km/l.

Østrig - på vej op til 2150 meters højde med -13 C°

Udstyr til langturen - tønde og dunk med ialt 85 liter, kuglehane og 40 cm slange. Nok til 2600-3000 km - go !

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ph.: +45 98854220, mob.ph.: +45 4241 5139, email: info@dajolka.dk
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www.DAJOLKA.dk , www.DAJOLKA.net